A little over two years ago(!!), I was working on my application to study in Amsterdam. It would be another year before I was there, but since my program was a scholarship program, we had to be considered far in advance. But this did make it a little easier, since Amsterdam was the only program […]
My Favorite Apps for Traveling
Traveling is stressful, and studying abroad is even more stressful. You have so many questions, a million itineraries to keep track of, and several different currencies clinking around in your pocket. This really isn’t the time you want to be weighed down with any extra baggage like guide books or brochures. Luckily, all you need when you […]
Things You Don’t Expect When You Study Abroad
Studying abroad was one of the craziest things I have ever done, yet it was also one of the most rewarding. I learned so much and, despite any pitfalls I had along the way, I encourage anyone who has the opportunity to do it. I had SOOOO many questions before I left, and while I […]
Holiday Travel Survival Guide
I know some of you already have your Christmas trees up and your holiday Pandora station blasting, but I’m here to tell you to tap the breaks, because IT IS ALMOST THANKSGIVING. I love Thanksgiving and look forward to it every year. It is fall’s last hurrah before Christmas season is 100% allowed to take over. […]
One Day In Santorini
FINALLY. Here is my LAST post from my study abroad travels. I did a lot of trips, I spent a lot of loooooong weekends hopping all over Europe, and saw and did more things than I could possibly blog about. I took so many pictures that I probably forgot about 90% of them. I had […]
What to Wear at the Airport
With the holiday season coming up, you need an outfit for every occasion, and a lot of those occasions will involved traveling. Whether it’s planes, trains, or automobiles, you want to look your best and stay comfy at the same time. I’ve already given you the formula for a perfect carry-on bag, but now you have […]
On the Island
No, sadly this is not my post about Santorini. I know the glimpse of blue seas fooled everyone, but don’t worry, my 1203149830 pictures from Santorini will soon be up on the blog! For now, I’m talking about one of Greece’s lesser-known islands, Aegina. Just a 45 minute ferry ride away from Athens, Aegina […]
What to Pack in Your Carry-On
If you have looked at my blog for .5 seconds you know that I love to travel. And with traveling comes learning how to pack, and how to pack well. One of the most important things when it comes to packing is your carry on. I don’t always take a carry-on suitcase, but I always always always […]
Why You Don’t Have to Be a World Traveler
If you have ever been on Pinterest for more than 5 seconds, you have seen at least a few quotes, imposed over a picture of some dream destination, encouraging you to do something along the lines of “Quit Your Job. Buy a Plane Ticket.” or, “Not all those who wander are lost,” or urging you […]
Your Ultimate Guide to Studying Abroad in Amsterdam
I get asked questions about my time in Amsterdam all the time, often from people who aren’t even planning on study abroad. But today, a girl in one of my classes mentioned that she was going to Amsterdam next semester, and I practically pounced on the poor girl and demanded if she needed any tips. […]