Happy Friday!! Zac and I are headed to Boston this weekend (and would love tips!). Today, I’m starting a new weekly series called Friday Favorites. It will be a combination of things I’m loving, any sales going on, and anything interesting I’ve found on the web this week! What to Pack if You’re Studying Abroad. I […]
New York Bucket List
Thursday was my last first day. EVER. It hasn’t quite hit me that this is my last semester, no matter how many times I say it or write it down. Time has really flown by, but at the same time there are things I barely remember from freshman year because so much has happened!! Since this is my […]
Where to Buy Your Textbooks
You’ve paid tuition. You purchased all your schnazzy new dorm supplies. But now you have one more, surprisingly huge expense ahead of you- textbooks. Most of us are used to spending just a few dollars on a paperback for our English summer reading. But in college, your textbooks can run into the hundreds of dollars per book. […]
How To Survive the First Day
Whether this is the first day of your freshman year or the first day of senior year we could all use a few tips and tricks to help us survive a new semester. I’ve had my fair share of first-day hangups and mishaps, so I wanted to help everyone else out so that you can all […]
Mo-rockin’ my World
(sorry for my cheesy title, I couldn’t resist!) If you read my Seville post, you know that we nearly didn’t make it to Morocco. But I am so, so glad we did. I don’t know when I would get to Morocco otherwise; I had been wanting to visit forever, and since Africa really is just […]
Seville in Half a Day
When I told people we were going to Seville for only a day, they looked at me like I had two heads. Why are you going back to Spain, you already went? Why only a day? Why didn’t you plan to go earlier? WELL, long story short, we planned several different trips that ended […]
I had really weird (read: low) expectations for Portugal. I think because we were leaving right at the end of finals week and I was still working on take-home exams during the first day of our trip, afterwards we were heading to Greece, and then I had 2 more days in Amsterdam before heading home. My […]
Dear Ashley
I start school in less than a month, and it is really starting to hit me that this is my last semester. My plan was always to graduate early, but now that Fall 2015 is arriving I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. I don’t feel like freshman year was yesterday, but it […]
What to Pack: Study Abroad
I’m starting to wind down on my study abroad posts, as I only have a few more trips left to blog about! But, since the semester is about to start and many people are preparing for their fall semester abroad, I wanted to give a few tips now that I’m an ‘expert’ (ha, hahahaha). Packing […]
Delft Blue
One of the main things that people forget about study abroad is the first half: the ‘study’ part. It is so easy to fall into the trap of spending too much time traveling, partying, hanging out with all your new friends, or exploring your city, while neglecting the fact that you still have to […]