Austin Roadtrip

School starts tomorrow, but while I have some free time I can finally blog about my trip to Austin a couple weeks ago! As much as I love having over a month off from school for winter break, it’s not so fun when most of your friends head back to school two weeks earlier. However, I […]

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Free Lance

This semester, I am freelancing for The College Tourist, the student blogging website that I interned with in the fall! For my first article, I put together the ultimate packing list for Coachella. Check it out! Photo via Caroline Olson.

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Tuesday Brunch

I am still close with all of my friends from high school- that’s because I chose to only make friends with people who I knew I would want to stay in touch with. A lot of people that I know end up completely abandoning their old friends by sophomore year, if not sooner. But we’re […]

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Back in the Swing

I spent all four years of high school doing speech and debate, also known as Forensics, and I loved it. For those who will argue that forensics is CSI-type stuff, here’s a few definitions: fo·ren·sics  (f-rnsks, -zks) n. (used with a sing. verb) 1. The art or study of formal debate; argumentation. 2. The use of science and technology […]

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Journalism Package

Here is another package I created for my video journalism class. This is a non-narrated package using the same footage from my previous package. The non-narrated style is certainly a challenge to edit, because it is up to the subjects to narrate rather than a reporter, but I actually enjoyed editing this style! //

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