Spring Break in Los Angeles

I’m an East Coast girl at heart, but spending a long weekend in L.A. for spring break definitely brought out my love for the West Coast. The weather, the people, the culture, the excitement, and again, the weather (it was snowing when I left NYC).

My best friend, Kenzie, attends the American Academy of Dramatic Arts out in Hollywood, so I headed out to the City of Angels to spend a weekend with her. We’re used to seeing each other every day, so being on opposite coasts was quite a change. 
I landed in L.A. Friday night, and flying over the city at night is beautiful. As much as I love Manhattan at night, L.A. is spread out and seems to go on forever. We hit up a West Coast necessity, In N Out, then hit the hay in preparation for our 6 a.m. wake-up call to head up to Disneyland. Kenzie absolutely loves Disney, and seeing as it was her birthday, D-land was a must.

I hate roller coasters. But, seeing as it was Kenzie’s birthday and I flew across the country, I had to get on. I soon figured out that none of the big rides at Disney are actual roller coasters, which led to riding every single one! This is me before braving Space Mountain, which turned out to be…not bad.

No one looks good on a roller coaster.
Peter Pan! Because you’re never too old to take pictures with characters.

We soon found out that putting 5 teenagers inside 1 teacup leads to crazy shenanigans and extreme dizziness.

Again, no looks good on a roller coaster. I personally look like I’m prepared for death (which I somewhat was). 

My new friend!

The parade at the end of the day. 
After a full and exhausting day at Disneyland, Kenzie took me to explore Hollywood. We hit up the farmer’s market, Space 15 20 (the coolest shopping spot with hip, vintage stalls set up everywhere), Mulholland ‘Drive, and went to get her tattoo!
Typical touristy picture of the Hollywood sign.
Oranges at the Farmer’s Market in Hollywood.
The view of Downtown L.A. from Mulholland Drive. I didn’t even know this place existed; you basically stand at the top of a mountain and you can see most of Los Angeles. It’s especially beautiful at night, and if you turn around, Ron Howard is building a house at the very top of the mountain. Now that’s what I call a room with a view.

Kenzie getting her tattoo! She’s wanted it for nearly 7 years, and finally decided to go ahead and do it while I was still in town. It says, “Think lovely thoughts,” wrapped around her wrist, and the script is in her handwriting. I love it and wish I had a better picture of it.
I loved L.A., and even though I’ll always be an NYC girl, I wouldn’t mind spending some more time out west…

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