Ways to be More Eco Friendly

Ways to be more eco friendly

Happy Fall! Even though it’s still in the 90s here… I have been wanting to write this post forever, and thought a new season would be the perfect time to share how we are trying to be more green! There are tons of ways to be more eco friendly that don’t involve breaking the bank, changing your diet, or even drastically changing your lifestyle!

These are a few of the ways that we try to be a little more green in our everyday life! 

Cut down on single-use plastic.

This is one of the easiest ways to reduce waste. There are so many little plastic things that we use every day that end up in the trash after one use. The easiest way to cut down on single-use plastic is to buy more reusable items, such as:

  • Produce bags. Those little bags at the grocery store? Totally useless once you get home and unload your groceries! I used to recycle them at the store until I realized I could use reusable produce bags! I use these and love them. A lot of grocery stores like Sprouts sell them as well. 
  • Bring your own bags. Speaking of the grocery store, bring your own bags! Some stores, like HEB and Aldi, or even entire cities, require you to bring your own bags. I keep a few, along with my produce bags, in the trunk of my car so that I am always ready to head to the store. As soon as I unload my groceries, I toss the bags back into the car. Stores like Sprouts and even Target (!!) will give you a 5 cent discount for every reusable bag you use! 
  • Straws. This is HUGE right now, but I was never a big straw user anyway. However, I love using them for homemade smoothies, so I bought these stainless straws– they come with a little pipe cleaner and can be tossed in the dishwasher. 
  • Plastic baggies. You know those little plastic sandwich bags that you bring to work every day and immediately throw away? Stop using them! You can buy reusable sandwich and snack bags that work even better, can handle being tossed in the freezer, and can be thrown in the dishwasher! I haven’t bought plastic baggies in months. 


I am obsessed with my compost bin, is that weird? Since we got one in the backyard a few months ago, we rarely take out the trash (obviously I’d love to be zero waste but it’s not in the cards right now!). Everything from food scraps to grass clippings to toilet paper rolls can be tossed into the compost. Once it turns into soil, you can use it as mulch for a garden. If you’re totally clueless about composting, do a little research

Plant a garden. 

This obviously isn’t for everyone, but if you have any kind of outdoor space and want to test your green thumb, try planting a garden! We grow all our own herbs and a few vegetables. I’m definitely not the best gardener out there (I’ve killed so many succulents), but having fresh herbs available all the time is a great bonus! 


This is probably the most obvious, but be conscious of what you are tossing into the trash! Pay attention to labels, as some items- like plastic bags or coffee pods- can’t be recycled or need a special facility. 

These are just a few of the ways we’re trying to be a little more ‘green’ and eco-friendly. This isn’t an exhaustive list, and I could certainly be way more of a crunchy-granola-hippie, but we’re trying!

What ways are you incorporating eco-friendly items into your daily life? 

Ways to be more eco friendly

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